Please email us at if you decide to return an item so we can best assist you through the process. After the order is delivered, you have up to 7 days to return the item if the it is unworn and in the same condition it was delivered in. Once we receive the returned item, we will inspect it to ensure that it is in its original condition and then issue a refund. Please note that we are unable to refund the shipping cost, as it is non-recoverable.
In the very unfortunate case where the jewelry piece is broken upon arrival, please contact us immediately and send us photos or videos of the broken piece, we will try our best to work out the best solution for you. If an item is lost during transportation, we will submit a claim to our insurance company and issue a full refund or the amount covered by the insurance company.
After you receive your product, please read our Jade Care Instruction to make sure your unique piece of jewelry can last as long as possible.
For sizing issues, please refer to our size guide page for instruction. Please kindly note that we do not offer free exchanges, a standard shipping rate will be deducted from your payment.